Illustrations about church
Richard Niebuhr on Revival
“The great Christian revolutions come not by the discovery of something that was not known before. They happen when somebody takes radically something that was always there.”
Illustrations about church
“The great Christian revolutions come not by the discovery of something that was not known before. They happen when somebody takes radically something that was always there.”
From time to time, Christians find themselves looking for a new church home. Perhaps their old church was dying or maybe they just moved to another city; either way, they …
“You see, if God acted in the same way today that He did in the fifth chapter of Acts, you’d have to have a morgue in the basement of every …
Slaves have always had it tough. In early America, they had no property and no rights. It was worse in ancient societies; there, they literally didn’t have an identity. The …
We’ve all heard people joking about someone “taking their seat” in church. Usually, it’s nothing more than just an expression. But there was nothing “usual” about what happened when one …
Today’s Christian scholars spend large amounts of time trying to convince people that Jesus is divine. The Church uses sermon series, books, events, websites, and a host of other resources …
Suffering is an inescapable part of life that everyone faces. That’s what makes encouragement and hope so important. The question then becomes, “Can hurting people find life-changing hope at your …
Most people will agree that the Bible has its fair share of difficult passages. It contains laws and commandments, claims of exclusivity, and supernatural miracles that boggle the mind. Some …
Lowell, Oakville’s official town drunk, was having a particularly good time down at the Blues and Brews Tavern one Saturday night. When the bar finally closed, Lowell was so inebriated …