Illustrations about church
Cowardly Christians
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing,” declares Tolstoy in War and Peace. The truth – and consequence – of that statement …
Illustrations about church
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing,” declares Tolstoy in War and Peace. The truth – and consequence – of that statement …
Christianity offers all kinds of churches: family churches, denominational churches, traditional churches, contemporary churches, emerging churches, and even mega churches. All of these churches have their own characteristics and personality. …
Summer brings with it wonderful things: lazy days, lemonade, and leisure time with family. Of course, summer brings heat, bugs, and visits from Aunt Gertrude, too. But summer also brings …
Guys are competitive by nature. We see everything as a chance to one-up each other…regardless of the situation. This terrible condition begins all the way back in childhood, and sadly, …
Imagine the church without Amazing Grace or How Great Thou Art. Hymns were the backbone of the church’s worship for hundreds of years! Granted, hymns are losing their popularity with …
Tensions were high on June 5, 1944. In a matter of hours, Allied forces would storm the beaches of Normandy and attempt to liberate Europe from the deadly Nazi grip. …
“I do not worship matter, I worship the God of matter, who became matter for my sake and deigned to inhabit matter, who worked out my salvation through matter.”
In Psalm 133:1, King David joyfully declared, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” The ancient king could easily distinguish between hostility and peace…and probably …
His name was Justin and he lived a century after Jesus. He experienced a powerful conversion and then spent his life arguing for Christianity’s legitimacy. In 165 A.D., he was …
Imagine this scenario: You put your personal trust in Jesus Christ. You turn from your sins and are publically baptized. You study the Scriptures and pray on a daily basis. …