Illustrations about church
Lots of people – including Christians – have lots of reasons for not going to church. In reality, they’re nothing more than lame, hollow excuses. For proof, just take a …
Illustrations about church
Lots of people – including Christians – have lots of reasons for not going to church. In reality, they’re nothing more than lame, hollow excuses. For proof, just take a …
The story is told of a man who had reached the end of his rope, had given up hope, and feeling all alone, was about to jump off the side …
I love watching Discovery on TV. It’s the only channel where you can learn how to build AK-47s in the streets of Lebanon and be taught how to catch crab …
I love grilling. I love smoking BBQ. In fact, I love doing anything that involves searing meat on an open flame! That smell and the crackling sound – mixed with …
If you had to guess, what percentage of Americans would you say believe in God? 30 percent? 50 percent? 70 percent? Well, according to a recent poll from Gallup, 92% …
George Whitefield and John Wesley were contemporaries on the theological landscape of 18th Century England. Originally, they were close friends, but throughout their lives, doctrinal differences separated the two greatly. …
Decius came from a long line of Roman Emperors who hated Christ and His followers. But unlike those who had gone before him, he would be quite successful in ridding …
In 1515, Martin Luther’s entire doctrine on the Christian faith changed. Before long, his new theology would put him at great odds with the established Roman Catholic Church. When he …
The act of baptism is usually a painless event. There’s not much to it: take a sinner who desires to follow Christ…and add water. Ta da! That’s baptism: as profound …
On Sunday night, January 30, 2011, police officers in Fletcher, North Carolina, responded to dispatch’s report of a huge fight. But these law enforcement agents weren’t called to a school, …