Illustrations about grace
Church Only Makes Me Feel Worse
Ask church people about their image in the community and they’re likely to reference “hospitals for the sick” or “lighthouses for lost.” Let’s face it; that’s how we like to …
Illustrations about grace
Ask church people about their image in the community and they’re likely to reference “hospitals for the sick” or “lighthouses for lost.” Let’s face it; that’s how we like to …
“When we genuinely forgive, we set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner we set free was us.”
Jake Porter wasn’t exactly the most talented player on his high school football team. OK, that’s an understatement. He’d never scored a single touchdown. He’d never even ran the ball. …
“A funny thing happened to me on the way to Hell. I got saved!”
John Wayne Gacy. Timothy McVeigh. Jeffrey Dahmer. Ted Bundy. They had a number of common traits. All of them were men. All of them were murderers. All of them were …
If it were only that easy, right? We’ve all said and done things …
Throughout his life, President Lincoln developed a reputation for compassion and forgiveness. Regardless of how grievous the offense, or how vile the offender, Lincoln was known to exercise his right …
If you got mugged by a punk teenager wielding a knife, would you willingly offer him your wallet? How about your coat? Would you buy your attacker dinner? How about …
The next time you’re in New York City, pay close attention to the sidewalks; due to the art of Joshua Allen Harris, they tend to come alive with moving representations …
Oshea Israel wasn’t surprised when Laramiun Byrd died; after all, he’d pulled the trigger. Oshea wasn’t surprised when he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the cold-blooded murder. …