It’s happened to just about all of us in the age of technology: at one point or another, our GPS malfunctions and gets us lost. When the satellite-enabled device makes …
- CommitmentCommunismDecision-MakingDevotionDiscipleshipFollowJesus' TeachingPersecutionPreachingSalvationTestimony
Truly Counting the Cost
During the heyday of Communism, millions of Christians around the world were persecuted and thousands were even killed for their faith. Under those regimes, becoming a Christian was a risky …
- ApologeticsBibleBible StudyContextExegesisGod's ExistenceHalloweenHermeneuticsInterpretationTruth
The Importance of Context
I’ll bet you a million bucks the Bible says, “There is no God.” Any takers? Fair warning: if you bet against me, you’ll be wrong. Let me explain…
It was snowing quite heavily, and blowing to the point that visibility was almost zero when Teresa, a vibrant young lady got off work. She carefully made her way to …