Eric Lawson, David Millar, Wayne McLaren, and David McLean have something in common. All four of them worked for the same company, in the same position, modeling as the iconic …
Pierre-Paul Thomas was born blind. For him, life was reduced to little more than grey shapes that only varied in size and shade. Then, in his mid-sixties, he suffered an …
- ActionsAnswerChangeChoicesConsequencesDeathDoctorFailureHabitsHealthLifestyleSinful NatureSolutionSurgery
Change or Die!
What if you were told you had to make a change, maybe even a big change…or else you would literally die? Would you make the change? Without a doubt, most …
“If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age.”
- CareDoctorGreedHealthHelpLost in TranslationMeaningMedicalMoneySickUnderstanding
What Doctors Say…and What They Mean
We’ve all come home from doctor visits only to be greeted by our family members wanting an answer to the same question: What did the doctor say? But after years …
- AdviceBalanceCollegeCounselDestructionFamilyFriendsHealthLeadershipPrioritiesSuccessWork
Juggling Things That Break
Brian Dyson knows success. As the former CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises, his work impacted the lives of billions of soda drinkers around the world. Recognizing his authority and influence, …