Max was diagnosed with severe autism when he was just two years old. His life will never be a “normal” one as most of us define it, and not just …
hurtful words
- AngerDisagreementFamilyHurtful WordsHusbandMarriageMenPrideStupidityUnforgivenessUnlovingWifeWomen
A House Divided
Nobody had a house like Annie and Lee Gleason. Nobody. It wasn’t fancy, or big – just a simple wooden structure that sat underneath a stand of pines in East …
- AngerArgumentBad DecisionsBitternessCrazyDestructionDisagreementHurtful WordsRegretSelf-ControlSolution
Move Your Fence…Or I’ll Move Your House
“Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,” warned the Apostle Paul many years ago. He knew that lingering bitterness can make people act in ways …
- AdviceAIDSDeathDisappointmentDiseaseDoctorHopeHopelessHurtful WordsMedicalPainRiskSickTrustTrusting God
“Get Another Hope”
Hoping is risky business…just ask anyone who’s ever done it. That’s because, in life, we speak of hope getting “dashed,” “crushed,” and even “lost.” In those painful moments, we must …
- AngerCommunicationHurtful WordsRelationshipRelationship ProblemsSarcasmTongueWords
Things You Wanna Say…But Shouldn’t
Ahhh…people. They can bring out the best in you…or the worst. If we’re honest, other people provide us with plenty of opportunities to say something mean or hurtful. Thankfully, some …
- AngerCommunicationConversationHurtful WordsRelationshipSarcasmTalkingTongue
Things You Wanna Say…But Shouldn’t
Ahhh…people. They can bring out the best in you…or the worst. If we’re honest, other people provide us with plenty of opportunities to say something mean or hurtful. Thankfully, some …