“The Word became flesh – and then through theologians it became words again.”
- AssumptionAttitudeCharles SpurgeonConversionDoubtExpectationsFaithGod's PowerLessonPreacherPreachingResponsibilitySalvationStudentWorship
What Do You Expect?
When you’re in God’s presence, do you expect great things from Him? Do you believe He will do what only He can do? Or has doubt caused you to lose …
- BibleDoctrineEternityGod's WordHellJesus' TeachingJudgmentMythPreachingTheologyTruth
Whose Idea is Hell?
Is Hell a literal place, and if so, what’s it like? Is it dark? Is it a place of torment? Does it last forever? Everyone from theologians to thespians to …
- ChildrenChurchCompetitionConversationFatherKidsMenMoneyPastorPreachingPrideSermonTithe
Oh Yeah! Well My Dad Can….
Guys are competitive by nature. We see everything as a chance to one-up each other…regardless of the situation. This terrible condition begins all the way back in childhood, and sadly, …
Three friends – a lawyer, a doctor, and a preacher – went hunting together. They’d just stepped into the woods when a huge buck ran by, prompting all three men …
- AccidentApathyCallingChinaChristiansDeathEvangelismGreat CommissionGreedLazinessMissionsMoneyPastorPreacherPreachingRescueResponsibility
Preaching to Passive Pastors
At a pastor’s conference in Scotland in 1865, Hudson Taylor, the mighty missionary to China, was given the opportunity to address 2,000 pastors about his work. Sadly, many churches in …
- CallingDiscipleshipEvangelismFalse TeachingGod's PlanMissionaryObediencePreachingQuestionsRegretReligiousSalvationTimeTransformationTruthWitness
Why Did You Wait So Long?
Civil war, disease, and poverty were wreaking havoc on those living in China during the 19th Century. Each year millions of men, women, and children died from these terrible living …
- CommitmentCommunismDecision-MakingDevotionDiscipleshipFollowJesus' TeachingPersecutionPreachingSalvationTestimony
Truly Counting the Cost
During the heyday of Communism, millions of Christians around the world were persecuted and thousands were even killed for their faith. Under those regimes, becoming a Christian was a risky …
- AthleteBaseballEvangelismEvangelistLanguagePreacherPreachingSportsStyleTransformationWords
Blue Collar Preaching
Billy Graham has been the greatest evangelist in American history – and arguably, the world. But Graham wasn’t the first world-famous evangelist from America. In fact, he wasn’t even the …
- CauseConvictionsDevotionFreedomLifestylePreachingQuakersSlaveryStandardsTaking a StandValuesWork
John Woolman’s Cause
Do you know anybody who claims to have “core values” or “high standards” or “particular ethics”? The better question is, do you know anybody who actually lives by the standards …