“It was taken for granted from the beginning that Christian preaching would be expository preaching, that is, that all Christian instruction and exhortation would be drawn out of the passage …
- CharacterChrist's ExampleInfluenceJesusJesus' TeachingLifestyleMoralityPhilosophyQuotesRighteousnessTeachingVirtue
W. E. H. Lecky on Jesus Christ
“The character of Jesus has not only been the highest pattern of virtue, but the strongest incentive in its practice, and has exerted so deep an influence, that it may …
- BibleDoctrineFalse TeachingGod's WordHeresyPastorPreacherPreachingQuotesScriptureTeachingTheology
Dr. Schuller on Preaching
“Just because it’s in the Bible doesn’t mean you should preach it.”
- BibleBible StudyChristiansGod's WordGospelHonestyLeadershipQuestionsScriptureSufferingTeachingTruthWorship
Should We Use (All) of God’s Word?
Christians, especially church leaders, often think that the best way to attract the unchurched or reconnect with the de-churched is to water down or whitewash our teaching. Nothing could be …
“Teaching is like a mirror. It can show you if your face is dirty, but the mirror will not wash your face.”
When Cicero spoke, the people said, “He spoke well.” When Demosthenes spoke, the people said, “Let us march.” Topics Illustrated Include: History Preacher Preaching Quotes Standards Taking Action Teaching …
- CommunicationConversationLessonLost in TranslationMeaningPreachingTalkingTeachingWords
Did I Say That?
What you say is very important. But how you say it is also very important. In fact, the meaning of what you say can be changed by how you say …
- ChurchDisappointmentDwight L. MoodyLeadershipMembershipPatienceSpiritual GrowthStandardsTeachingTestimony
Moody’s Membership Mishaps
Imagine this scenario: You put your personal trust in Jesus Christ. You turn from your sins and are publically baptized. You study the Scriptures and pray on a daily basis. …
- BibleDoctrineExcusesGod's WordHoly SpiritLearnPreachingScriptureTeachingTechnologyTheology
How Deep Can We Preach?
As a minister, have you ever heard this from a church member: “Justification? Sanctification? Incarnation? I’m sorry pastor; I just don’t understand these biblical concepts.” As a result of this …
- ApologeticsChurchClothesDeathGod's ProtectionGod's WillGod's WordHeresyHistoryMartyrMomPersecutionPurpose
Origen’s Missing Clothes
Origen’s life is just as significant today as it was when he lived it during the 2nd and 3rd Century A.D. He taught at Christian schools, wrote many commentaries on …