“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means, at the point of highest reality. A chastity or honesty or …
Let’s say you bought some meth in a recent drug deal. Let’s say you smoked it and didn’t like it. Then let’s say you wanted to get the meth’s purity …
When Cicero spoke, the people said, “He spoke well.” When Demosthenes spoke, the people said, “Let us march.” Topics Illustrated Include: History Preacher Preaching Quotes Standards Taking Action Teaching …
- CallingChinaDisappointmentDoubtExcitementFaithGod's ProvisionLifestylePerseverancePrayerPreparedSacrificialTest
Hudson Taylor’s Experiment
Prior to his departure to the mission fields of China, Hudson Taylor realized that he would continually be alone and always in great need. Knowing this – and given his …